Amelia Aránega Jiménez, MD
Professor in Cell Biology
Diego Franco Jaime, PhD
Professor in Cell Biology
Jorge N Domínguez Macías, PhD
Associate Professor in Cell Biology
Francisco Hernández Torres, PhD
Postdoctoral Research
Daniel Vallejo Pulido
Predoctoral Research
Felicitas Ramírez de Acuña
Predoctoral Research
José Manuel Vilches Godoy
Predoctoral Research
Carlos García Padilla
Predoctoral Research
Lara Rodríguez Outeiriño
Predoctoral Research
Mohamad Alzein
Predoctoral Research
Houria Daimi, PhD
Visiting scientist

Left to right stand: Jorge N Domínguez, Carlos García, José Manuel Vilches, Daniel Vallejo, Mohamad Alzein, Diego Franco. Left to right seated: Lara Rodriguez, Felicitas Ramírez, Houria Daimi, Amelia Aránega, Francisco Hernández.